Here I
got initiated with the base symbol that represents the root
chakra so one can give healing
course was for a one whole day and here I learnt how to put
my hands in different positions on the body of the person
that's going to be healed, how one grounds oneself so the
energies can flow freely, the history behind Reiki, who
started it and practical exercises to then later that day be
initiated with the first symbol and get the healing channel
Reiki is a Japanese form of healing founded by Usui Mikao in the year 1914. "Reiki is a thousand years old form of healing wich is very powerful. What differs Reiki from other healing methods is that he healer doesn't control or manipulate the energy conciously. He or she only works as a channel. The Reiki is allowed to flow freely to were it's most needed on the reciever at that particular moment. The word Reiki contains two Japanese words: rei and ki. Rei can be translated to universal, wich means all-embracing. But it also means higher wisdom, Concousness of God, the hidden strength, etc. The translation one chooses is depended on religious beliefs.
Ki is
the lifeforce that flows through all living things: humans,
animals and plants. As mentioned before, there are several
sorts of ki/lifeforces and Rei-ki is the life energy that
best organizes the flow of the subordinated forms of life
energy in the mind and body.
Therefore Reiki is a universal lifeforce that flows through
the Reiki practitioner. He or she doesn't use their own
energy, they are only a channel for the energy. The Reiki
practitioner doesn't need to diagnose or know what needs to
be healed.