Atlantean Healing™ Certificate

In April 2014 I whent to Gothenburg to participate in the Atlantean Healing course with Birkan Tore.

An extraction from the text on

"Atlantean Healing is a fast growing energy healing modality that has been given to humanity at this
time of great changes. This high vibrating energy has been used in the healing temples of Atlantis
by the healing priests and priestesses. This particular energy was kept in the Great Pools of Energy until
humantiy was once again ready to channel it. The Atlantean Healing techniques are a combination of the
ancient techniques that were used in the temples and the new ones given to us for the challenges
we are facing today."

The course was two days of intensive theory, with lots of information about how one works with
the Angels of Atlantis and how one can channeling it in the best way. Here it was a close cooperation
with the Angels of Atlantis and we were also intruduced to the Violet Flame toghether with the
Golden Flame and the Silver Flame for the best possible clearing of negative, heavy energies
during a session and also after the session was finished to cleanse the room for the next client.

We did pracice Atlantean Healing on each other and on distance.
We also send Mother Earth some healing.

This healing modality differs from Reiki through the fact that one works with the Angels of Atlantis
and channeling an energy of an entierly different sort and wich vibrates at a much higher level
than the Reiki energy does.
These two healing modalities are similar in that the client feels refreshed afterwards and the
healing effect stays up to 12 hours after a healing session.
I feel however that Atlantean Healing works more with things that's hidden and not as much with
the physical, except for the things that the negative energy one has carried around has created.
Reiki works both physical and with the energy.

This was a very educational and interesting course and I'm very grateful to have been a part of.


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